Home loan transfer yet not providing cheque.
Complain ID : JGJN047012 51
To whom so ever it may concern.
This is to draw your attention that since 1st of june i have applied for home loan transfer in hdfc bank. While till today i have not received the transfer amount cheque and after several calls and visit to bank after submitting all documents as per bank requirement and processing fees already paid to the bank. Loan also approved . But yet pending for giving payment and excuses are found from the bank that bank people have found covid 19 positive cases and they have limited staff members.
Also i would like to draw attention that we also work in MNC company and we also have work pressure but our work has not been stopped. So why this type of excuses are feasible to customers.as we all are running with tough situation interest are on our head everyday we are paying interest to finance people. And they dont think about our excuses.
Till how many days we can extend them. Now they are abusing me. But it is my situation. So i can not handle more. Please do needful for the same.
File no. Are as attached image. Postponding days today tomorrow, 1 or 2 days.while calling on landline no. Nobody responds on call. Today my mother visited harni branch of hdfc bank they told that on last by last your cheque will release on 11 th of august.
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