Syska Gadget Secure. Complaint Claim Against Theft My Mobile S7 Edge Samsung
Complain ID : JGJN022985 60
First, I am very sad to tell you that My S7-Edge Samsung Mobile value of Rs. 57000/- was theft from my home which was purchase only 3 months past. I have also Insurance for the same with Syska Gudget. So, after theft my mobile i was go to the police station for FIR. and after i claim for the same to Insurance company with all required document provided by syska gudget within a week however the period for the same is 30 days .
After providing all the paper nextday when i called for any query regarding my document that time they answer that your claim was rejected. After asking them 3-4 time they were not ready to answer why they reject my claim. After many time called them then they were answer that there is no forceful act is involved in it.
So i was become very shock/hurt that already recived insurance for the incident like theft etc. and they cheat after all document providing them .
I want to inform you that when i took insurance at that time they clarified me that it will cover losses like physical/flud damage, Fire, Theft, Accident etc.
When syska reject my complain due to not any forceful activity under this theft so its not called theft then i asked them that if my mobile theft from my home at that time we are sleeping in one of room of our home and any person who enetered in my house and theft my mobile with my wallet is it not a theft?
And if theft is covered as per website of syska also then why they reject my claim?
I know that for fight against insurance company like this i have only one path of yours also.
So, i request you to please help me for passing my insurance and fight with insusrance company who want to fraud with people.
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