New India Assurance - Non justified Closer of car accident claim
Complain ID : JGJN041323 56
J 202, Satyam Status, Jodhpur gam,
Satellite Area, Ahmedabad- 15
Dated 8th Sept 2019
The Manager
NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO LTD, Operating office code- 220001
Sayajigunj Area, BARODA
Subject: - Complained against accidental claim rejection dated 22.07.2019
Reference no.: - Claim number – 21020531190390000020 / 833
Policy number- 21020531180300000970
Dear Sir / Madam,
This has a reference to the above subject about my claim to get reimbursement of vehicle repairing charges Rs.21,283/- duly approved by Claim Liaison Officer Mr. Dignesh Modi number 210295.
I am owning car XCENT SX VTVT S.S RTO passing number GJ 01-RS-8547, the car met with minor vehicle at Baroda on dated 03.06.2019 . We have approached Hyundai authorized service station M/s Downtown Motors Pvt.Ltd , Baroda. As per the process , the service engineer has collected all required documents incl. Driving License copy , RC Book and claim application form. After the survey by authorized person by M/s New India Assurance, Baroda Branch , Mr. Dignesh Modi gave approval to start repairing work to M/s Downtown Motors.
The car was handed over on dated 13.06.2019 after paying reparing charges of Rs.21,283/- to M/s Downtown Motors.
Afterwards, we have approached NEW INDIA ASSURANCE to make follow up of our claim on dated 14.06.2019 and understood that, the claim got rejected/ closed on the basis of clause no.3 , read as- “ Repudiated as RC Book is not endorsed with CNG Kit. “. We have received Reg. AD copy at our residence.
The purpose of writing this complaints is –
1. We have paid the premium of Rs.3323/- for CNG vehicle in above mentioned policy and also in past policies since 2017, how can Insurance company can denied to pay claim amount?
2.Before starting the repairing of vehicle, the survey was done and RC book documents was submitted, why the claim Officer has not drawn the attention of policy holder.
3. When the Insurance taken with CNG coverage in the year 2017 , why not it was drawn attention of policy holder about CNG endorsement by RTO ?
4. Why the policy holder has to penalized even after paying additional premium for CNG Kit ?
My request is to M/s New India Assurance through Consumer redressed forum to arrange my claim amount of Rs.21, 283/- with interest at the earliest.
Looking for your customer care approach in reality.
Vikramsinh Mahida
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