Fruad Regarding Data Entry
Complain ID : JGJN046572 42
- State : Maharashtra
- Address: Selu
But it didn't started.
I called to the no from which I was getting calls few times but it was switched off.
So then I messaged on thier another whatsapp no didn't got the reply so I called on that whatsapp no. also and it was switched off too.
I was waiting till 11 but still I was not able to log in.
The next day somehow I logged in I started to do some captcha.
But as per the policy from 10k captchas at least 9k should be correct.
And when I saw the captchas it were not clear it was very hard to see the correct alphabet or a number and hard to differentiate in capital or small letters.
I did around 100 captchas on that day from which around 15-20 were not clear.
That means probably 15-20% of all the captchas were definitely going to be wrong, which means anyhow I was not gonna get 9k captchas right.
Still I was doing the work.
But after 2 days my account was blocked. I don't know what happened.
I tried calling those people fee times but the number was again switched off.
Both mobile numbers are
1. 8140205687
2. 7486049366
So I considered it is a fake thing and everything is being made up to get money from me.
So I deleted both the apps and blocked both the numbers.
Now, Today they have sent me the legal notice saying pay the penalty of Rs. 6,900 or they will go in court.
As I have sent my legal proof and they have signed agreement of mine I dont know what to do.
Please help me with this.
The mail Id of the person from which I got the legal notice is
and his name is ADV.AMAN SHAN
(B. Com, LL.B.)
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