Excessive billing than actual consumption, consumer no 172004704962, BU 4636
Complain ID : JGJN034451 65
- State : Maharashtra
- City : Pune
- Address: Dhanraj Park CHS, Kaspate Wasti, Wakad, Pune
Althoug I have visited in person the Division office and explained the error and got assurance that the said bills will be corrected, but till now MSEDCL has not corrected the bills in their system. Each month I pay my bills much before due date. Even the wrong bills received by me each motnt, I have paid my real dues .
Arrears shown of Rs 2,61,131.26 needs to be reversed as the is purely due to incorrect meter reading by MSEDCL
Please help.
Chandrakant V Haryan
Mob. 9833625912
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