Videcon D2H customer - No service from last 5 days
Complain ID : JGJN031389 47 Complaint's Reply
- State : Maharashtra
- City : Thane
- Address: B 703 , Lodha Vihar, Near Rotex Company, Bhopar Villege, Dombivali East
I'm Videcon D2H customer (Cuseromer ID :107644526) getting false promises from Videcon customer care from alst 5 days.
Every day customer support staff saying our engineer will come today but at the end of the day no show.. I have recharged my account with Rs.450 & now account balance is rs.304 without using the service.
I want my unused amount to be adjusted in my next recharge.
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by Manish nayak:
(5 of 5)
Hii my costurmer id is 159195049
5 days left in end of recharge but the shows a error that this channel is not in your videocon d2h pack
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