kotakmahindra harassing calls from credit card recovery agents
Complain ID : JGJN017783 69 Complaint's Reply
- State : Maharashtra
- City : Mumbai
- Address: 2/193, Ramdoot, Curry Road (E)
My brother was using ABN AMRO credit card few years back. That time due to financial crisis He couldn't pay back the amount. Now after so many years few agents from kotak mahindra bank have started calling me and my neighbors
land line to claim for the amount which is 5 times more than the actual amount. They keep calling me and my neighbors land line and say wrong things about my family. They don't have the manners to talk. My brother is talking with the bank regarding the balance amount but instead of talking directly with him and settling the matter, even they didn't verified document whether that person is residing at same address or not because from 1999 my brother is stay separated with his family these agents keep calling me and my neighbors and keep saying illogical things in a rude manner. Seems Kotak Mahindra have hired uneducated people for recovery who just don't have the etiquette and manner to speak. Is this the way you deal with your customers ? on Kotak website they have mentioned their vision as "To be the most trusted Global Indian Financial Services brand and the most preferred financial services employer with focus on
creating value. " . If the employees of the bank speak such rough language then how can it be "GLOBAL" Financial service brand. Will this be the way of speaking with which they will tackle their customers globally.
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kotakmahindra harassing calls from credit card recovery agents by Kotak Team:
(5 of 5)
Dear Mr. Loke,
We would be glad to address your concerns. Please write us at rardcustomercare@kotak.com along with your contact/card number.
^Kotak Team
ABN Amro Harassment clearance by Ankitha:
(5 of 5)
We have understood your problem, if you are looking to clear your ABN Amro issues, we will help you out
No need to worry.. we will give you the solution.
Please contact Ankitha:9686755527
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