Delay in possession of flat, have had with faulty realtors for possession of my flat no.1002
Complain ID : JGJN027941 57 Complaint's Reply
- State : Maharashtra
- City : Virar
- Address: Building No-6, Wing- B, Flat No 304, Paradise Park,behind New Viva Collage,dmart Road Virar (west)
I am writing this letter to you for an unpleasant experience i have had with faulty realtors for possession of my flat no.1002, I wing bharat arcade building no 2,sectorw no 3,chikhal dongre road,virar west.Dist.palghar.faulty commitments not even once but for so many times.although we were trying to compromise on the same since long but we have got badly frusstrated as it is been delayed almost 5 years from the committed time for possession.
We had booked one flat in building no.2 in the name of Jayshree kirit waghela (my mother) followed by 2nd name Nikunj kirit waghela respectively in the year 2012 and builder committed to give the possession of your flat within 2 years and now its almost 5 years and the time we are staying on lease and have to pay 8000/- PM this period of time.
I would like to inform you that my parents are senior citizen and i am the only person earing in my home and my earings are not so enough to compelete my parents dreams,health issues and also to pay every months rent to owner.
While booking the flat at kartik realtors (faulty graud company) the builder committed if he will not give the possission of the flat in 2 years he will pay us the rent till the and when we call him for the money he dossent answers the call or he cuts the call and somtimes he gives us very rude answer like dont call me again and again i dont have time to talk with you all peoples. I have got stuck in a very bad and serious situations please i need some justice for my problems.
Hoping for your positive feedback asap.
Belows mentioned are the details of the company
Owner of the company- MR.PANKAJ CHAUHAN
name of the compant-KARTIK REALTORS
contact no- +91 9604003322
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