Serious Mental Harrasment of Senior Citizen

Complain ID : JGJN054389   50  

Chief Minister Complaint  Complaint Date : August 24, 2021
  • State :  Gujarat
  • City :  Ahmedabad
  • Address: A/105 Shrey Exotica, Opp. R.A.F Camp, New RTO Road
My father who is 64 years old with already 1 heart attack and ongoing diabetes issues is being falsely accused of attempted sexual harrasment by the next door neighbour women.
According to me, she has accused my father as she was the trouble for whole society and due to her blunt, rubbish language and quarelling issues, no one had any guts to stand against her except my dad. She used to throw disgusting litter and rubbish including egg shells on the doors of vegeterian neighbours purposely and harass all the neighbours by illegitimate accuses so much so that even one of our other neighbour decided to relocate because of her. She falsely accuses and harass shopkeepers downstairs and only my father could raise voice against her to warn her which is why since long she is after my dad.
My father got of her accusations many times before due to his reputation in the society but she somehow manages to reach higher and comes even with worst accuses against my father so much that this time she appeared in the court hearing and accused my father of possible acid attack if je gets jaamin.
My father is a good man and innocent man, he is respected everywhere and this false accusation from this women is affecting him not only with his physical illnesses but his mental health too. He constantly keeps crying and I am worried if something will happen to my dad because of this women's accusations as for her may be this is matter of her pride but for my father its a matter of honor and respect which he has worked hard to earn all his life.
I know India is not a country where anyone can expect justice knly power and money wins bur really I want justice for my father and I want the best possible help I can get.

Please let me know if you can help him.
Complaint Against / To: Manita Rai

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